Monday, September 26, 2011

That's a lot of words.

Hola! Welcome back Christy! Why thank you!

According to, I know 45,545 words. I dont think that's right. You see, in school we learned that Shakespeare knew about 15,000 words and that the average person only knows 10,000 words. So, you see, I'm confused. If this is true, I must be...*gasp* a linguistics prodigy! Call the nerds, I believe I must join them!

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Now, what kind of a question is that? Whoever first asked that question must have been a total buffoon. Think about this: if the egg had come first...well where did THAT come from? Well, it must have come don't think?...a chicken? REALLY!?!?!? And this therefore proves the egg-sistence (teehee...puns) of God because where did the chicken come from? Certainly not an egg because that would start this whole process all over again and we've already concluded it's totally idiocy to claim that the egg came first. THEREFORE, the chicken must have popped up somewhere and had an egg which THEN began the grueling cycle of this stupid question of chicken vs egg. And I know what you're thinking, "Oh but that doesn't prove God! Evolution could make that chicken appear!". Really? You decide to pull the evolution card on me? *sigh* Allow me to break it down for you. The theory THEORY of evolution is about as equal in intelligence as the stupid egg theory. And therefore proves the egg-sistence of God.

The end.

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